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Nuxt3 Plugin for 'medium-zoom' Library

Posted on Feb 20, 2023 · 6min read

Today's #tip is an integration of medium-zoom with nuxt3.

medium-zoom is a JavaScript library for zooming images like Medium.

First things first, to see medium-zoom in action, just click/tap on the 'Tree Head' (by @art_ann_kathrin)

Artwork 'Tree Head' by Ann-Kathrin Föll


There's no vue component for medium-zoom

1. Install

The integration is implemented as a nuxt plugin.

Install medium-zoom as a dev dependency

yarn add --dev medium-zoom

2. Nuxt3 Plugin

Add following client-side (file name suffix .client.(ts|js)) plugin: ./plugins/medium-zoom.client.ts

import { defineNuxtPlugin } from '#app'
import mediumZoom, { Zoom } from 'medium-zoom'

export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
  const selector = '.image-zoomable'
  const zoom: Zoom = mediumZoom(selector, {})

  // (re-)init for newly rendered page, also to work in SPA mode (client-side routing)
  nuxtApp.hook('page:finish', () => {

  // make available as helper to NuxtApp 
  nuxtApp.provide('mediumZoom', zoom)

Now for each page rendered / client-side navigated to, medium-zoom is applied accordingly for all images in the DOM matching the chosen selector. In our plugin we chose a CSS selector to match all img elements with the class image-zoomable.

You can find all supported selector types in the module's docs.

Running on nuxt - client-side app navigation is done via vue-router. For medium-zoom to do it's magic, it has to be 're-attached' following changes to image on the page. We use the page:finish nuxt3 lifecycle hook as a trigger.

Finally, we also provide the mediumZoom instance as a helper.


Regular html Image

The most basic example is to use with plain html <img> tag:

<img src="/images/fluffy-cat.jpg" alt="A fluffy cat" class="image-zoomable" />

Nuxt Image Module

Using with <nuxt-image> is done in exactly the same way...

    alt="A fluffy cat"
    sizes="sm:224 lg:448"

Note, for <nuxt-picture> the class has to be passed via object to :imgAttrs:

    alt="A fluffy cat"
    sizes="sm:224 lg:448"
    :imgAttrs="{ class: 'rounded !my-0 !w-32 image-zoomable' }"

Nuxt Content Module - Markdown

With nuxt, it's also fairly simple to apply to nuxt-content markdown images:


or alternatively


The class ist passed as an inline property to the component via {} identifier.

Everything Everywhere All at Once

Often you'd want to use

  • a nuxt content page
  • written in markdown (image syntax ![alt](/{class=})
  • responsive layout
  • optimised image (nuxt-image)
    • responsive using (width, height, sizes)
    • with additional attributes (quality, preload)
  • high-definition image to open on zoom (via data-zoom-src= attrib)

The source code of the demo image at the top of this article is:

![Artwork 'Tree Head' by Ann-Kathrin Föll](/assets/blog/5.nuxt3-plugin-medium-zoom/Ann-Kathrin_Foell_TH82_crop.webp){.image-zoomable.rounded data-zoom-src="/assets/blog/5.nuxt3-plugin-medium-zoom/Ann-Kathrin_Foell_TH82_crop.webp" width="2200" height="1055" preload}

NuxtApp Plugin Helper

The mediumZoom helper we provided from the plugin can be decomposed from useNuxtApp() and be used in any component.


Please note our plugin is defined as client-side only, you must therefore access in a client-safe fashion (using e.g. ssrContext)!

Composition API

<script setup lang="ts">
// always access in a client-safe fashion
const { $mediumZoom, ssrContext } = useNuxtApp()
if (!ssrContext) console.log('$mediumZoom margin:', $mediumZoom?.getOptions().margin)


Responsive Margins

To add some icing, for this page I wanted to define different margins at different breakpoints.

The medium-zoom lib uses styles and calculates dimensions of the image's zoomed view dynamically, based on window size (among other factors). The margin is an option of the library and used in these calculations, rather than applied via css. The zoomed <img> element is added directly to the body.

Since the margin is defined once at init time of the mediumZoom module instance, it's not possible to make it responsive.

As a workaround / solution the instance is updated via update(..) method, based on window.innerWidth, triggered as an eventListener on window resize. Finally, to optimise performance vueuse useDebounceFn is used.

import { defineNuxtPlugin } from '#app'
import mediumZoom, { Zoom } from 'medium-zoom'
import { useDebounceFn } from '@vueuse/core'

export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
  const selector = '.image-zoomable'
  const innerWidth = window.innerWidth
  const zoom: Zoom = mediumZoom(selector, {
    margin: innerWidth < 640 ? 12 : innerWidth < 1024 ? 24 : innerWidth < 1536 ? 96 : 192,
    background: ''

  // responsive varying margin, calculated based on windowSize, upon @resize, debounced
  const debouncedFn = useDebounceFn(() => {
    const innerWidth = window.innerWidth
      margin: innerWidth < 640 ? 12 : innerWidth < 1024 ? 24 : innerWidth < 1536 ? 96 : 192
  }, 200)

  window.addEventListener('resize', debouncedFn)

  // (re-)init for newly rendered page, also to work in SPA mode (client-side routing)
  nuxtApp.hook('page:finish', () => {

  nuxtApp.provide('mediumZoom', zoom)


The medium-zoom library is a great fit for rich content pages with text and images such as blogs. Integration as a nuxt plugin is very convenient and easy.

It's extremely smooth to use in markdown files with nuxt content, and also plays well with nuxt image.

Comment, share, thrive, enjoy!!!


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